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Semantic Similarity Table - GitHub

Drag and drop your Excel or CSV file to calculate batch semantic similarity for text queries using latest embedding models. Using transformers.js with a small model from model2vec fully privately in your browser. Your data stays on your computer and is not sent anywhere!
Need sample data? Use legal_texts_EU.xlsx, legal_texts_EU.csv or SDG_Targets_2023.xlsx. Note that the first run is slower as it loads and caches the model once (smallest is only 32Mb). Conecutive runs are pretty much instant. Created by Dominik Weckmüller (Blog).
Some of my other projects that inspired semantic similarity table: SemanticFinder, JS Text Chunker, SDG Analyzer, Geospatial Semantic Search, Qdrant Frontend. I'm available as freelancer for anything related to AI, LLMs, NLP and particularly semantic search and RAG - let's connect on LinkedIn!

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